Sunday, August 21, 2016

Bobbi Hair - NEW MESH

I'VE FINALLY DONE IT. I made my own hair mesh from start to finish. This was 100% USDA choice made-from-scratch mesh!

So to reiterate, this mesh was made by me from scratch. (Sorry I'm gonna say that like 5 million times because I'm so darn proud of myself for finally pulling it off) For real, this thing started as a CUBE. 

That said, it's got a few bumps and bruises, though nothing too serious. 

The UV in some spots is shaky but it's mostly pretty good. It does some weird highlighty thing when your changing your sim's facial features but it's just visual, it doesn't actually effect the mesh. 

It comes in all original 18 EA colors, using EA textures. It is for teen-elder M/F. It's a "clay" hair, so no alpha or transparency used. It has all hat morphs, though some hats are a little rough, it's a pretty poofy hair so getting it to fit was a pain, so some hats are clippy. It has all appropriate LODs. I do have it enabled for random because it is maxis match. It's tagged for female form but works for male form as well, and will appear if the "masculine" tag is removed.

This was my first ever start-to-finish hair mesh so please be gentle.. I know it's not perfect! 

If you wish to do recolors, you don't need to ask permission I just ask that the mesh NOT be included in your download. If you wish to do mesh edits/frankenmeshing ASK FIRST.

Please tag me if you use it on tumblr, I would love to see it!!!


  1. Congrats!! I have loved your work for a while now and I know what it's like going from textures to meshes and I can personally say from experience, "GO YOU!!" that's so wonderful ^^
    I hope you continue to grow as an artist and share your talent with the world <3.

  2. Thank you so much, I'm proud of you and happy for myself! My story line is in the 20's and this rocks!

  3. Honestly, this is so cute, I wouldn't have even guessed that this is your first completely self-made mesh, so good job because it looks awesome!
